Saturday January 18, 10am—4pm
Technology Engagement Center
306 Minerva Drive
Murfreesboro, TN
Fee $75
Are you 100% confident you’re making the best exposures you can? How about 75%? Or maybe, like many photographers, you just don’t really know.
Feeling confident in your exposures is a core skill. Once mastered, it frees your creativity because you aren’t always worrying “did I expose it right?”
This one day workshop will help you feel more confident in your exposure choices by giving you a greater understanding of just what “correct exposure” really means.
We’ll dive into things like ETTR, reading histograms, blinkies, RAW processing, bracketing, exposure latitude, highlight and shadow detail, and more. We’ll go beyond what you see in youtube videos to learn how to apply these tools with greater precision.
We’ll also talk about strategies for better metering, as well as determining what “good enough” exposure is in different photographic situations.
This is a hands on class so you’ll need to bring your camera with you, and know how to change shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings. We’ll be making test exposures during the workshop and evaluating them on the computer.
Signup at Eventbright using this link: